A Work Out for the Brain


“The brain, like the rest of the body, needs to be worked to stay healthy as we age,” says Collabria Care Program Manager Veronna Ladd. “And just like your body, one type of exercise isn’t going to keep you in optimum health, so we address all five domains of the brain: socialization, cognitive stimulation, exercise, nutrition and spirituality which includes mindfulness and positive thinking.”

Mind Boosters is an evidence-based social program for people who are concerned about their memory or are in the early stages of memory loss and want to be proactive in maintaining their brain health.

In addition to socialization, each Mind Boosters class includes:

  • activities to stimulate your brain, including new experiences, timed games and puzzles, and personal projects
  • gentle core-strengthening exercises for balance, and nutrition education to boost brain health, build a buffer against memory loss, and help prevent other chronic conditions
  • cognitive training and memory-boosting strategies to improve your short-term memory and attention span
  • mindfulness activities to promote self-awareness and perspective. “Your world can become very small when you’re dealing with memory loss and other cognitive issues, so we employ mindfulness, meditation, and other activities to help participants stay open and current to the world around them,” explains Veronna.

Mind Boosters is based on Total Brain Health, a nationally recognized, comprehensive, evidence-based program, and program manager Veronna Ladd has been certified in Total Brain Health. The program is generously underwritten by Senior Helpers, Adventist Health St. Helena and the Napa-Solano Area Agency on Aging


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