“Mente Saluable:” Brain Health Workshop in Spanish

Colckwork brain_Ed


• Tu sabias que los latinos tienen un alto riesgo de tener Alzheimer’s y otras demencias
• Tu sabias que los latinos tienen un alto riesgo de tener Alzheimer’s y otras demencias relacionadas que
pueden afectar la memoria?
• Tu sabias que la alta presion, enfermedades del  corazon, diabetes te pone en alto riesgo de desarrollar el
Alzheimer’s y otro tipo de   demencias?
• Tu sabias que lo que es bueno paratu salud en general es tambien bueno prevenir perdida de memoria y

Que puedes hacer? 

En esta clase aprenderas:
• Nostros le daremos informacion educasional  como prevenir sobre la perdita de memoria
• Como mantener la salud del cerebro haciendo  cambios positives en su vida

Educandote vas a reducir el riesgo de desarrollar demencia

• Did you know that Latinos are at high risk for Alzheimer’s and related dementias that affect  your memory?
• Did you know that Latinos are at high risk for Alzheimer’s and related dementias that affect  your memory?
• Did you know that high blood pressure, heart   disease, diabetes put you at a higher risk of   developing
Alzheimer’s and other dementias?
• Did you know that what’s good for your  general health is also good for preventing   memory loss and

So what can you do?

Come to this class and you will learn:
• How to prevent memory loss• How to maintain brain health by making positive changes in your life
• How to take action against Alzheimer’s

By educating yourself, you can reduce the risk of developing dementia

Cuando/When:              Julio 27, 2017, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Donde/Where:             American Canyon Library, 300 Crawford Way, American Canyon
Costo/Cost:                  Es un evento gratuito/This is a free community service
Lenjuage/Language: Esta clase se ofrece en español/This class is offered in Spanish

Para mas informacion o para registratse, por favor llamar Jillian al 707.258.9087
For more information or to register for the class, please call Jillian at 707.258.9087


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