Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregiver Workshops-American Canyon


This is a special series for care partners with loved ones who have moderate to advanced Alzheimer’s disease, or related dementia.

August 24
Normal Aging & Dementia
Learn about what memory changes are normal as we age. Enhance your ability to identify normal compared to abnormal memory changes, and how they are expressed in behavior.

September 28
Learning to Speak Alzheimer’s, Part 1
To understand the old versus the new culture in learning to effectively communicate with people with dementia. Learn the six domains of Person-Centered Care and how this can improve the quality of life of the person with the diagnosis and the caregiver.

October 26
Learning to speak Alzheimer’s Part 2
Part 2 builds on the knowledge gained in Part 1 while building the tools and techniques necessary to connect and communicate with the dementia patient.


Location: American Canyon Library, 300 Crawford Way, American Canyon, CA 94503

Time: 1:00 to 2:30 pm

This is a free community event, however preregistration is required

To register, or for more information, please contact:
Jillian McNab
707-258-9087 x 272

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