Vaccination Day at the Day Program

Georgette is vaccinated at Collabria Care, March 22, 2021

Participants of the Day Program and their caregivers were almost giddy as they arrived for their COVID-19 vaccination on Monday, March 22. Cars started to arrive before the official starting time, 10:00 a.m., and there was a general air of festivity and gratitude as they made their way through the process. The parking lot was laid out for maximum efficiency and the staff of Napa County Public Health Department worked alongside the Collabria Care staff to safely document and care for everyone who arrived.

Napa County Public Health staff greet the arriving participants and their caregivers.

Two mobile vaccination stations were set up at the roundabout outside, and a third station was set up inside.

Nurse Karen checked in on each particpant and their caregivers to find out how they were doing and to briefly assess their general health.

Nurse Rachel was busy at the next vaccination station, here attending to a caregiver/driver. Both stations outside were busy for most of the morning.                                                                              

Participants and their caregivers also arrived by bus-the service funded by you, our donors, to provide regular transportation between the Day Program and home.

Georgette reports that she “didn’t feel a thing” when vaccinated by Nurse Michelle.

Everyone was checked in at the entrance and the time of arrival noted.

Nurse Karen was a welcome, familiar sight as she greeted her participants in English and Spanish.                                                                                      

Greg, one of our younger Day Program Participants, receives his vaccination from Nurse Karen–left arm preferred.

Elsewhere in the parking lot, Marisol checks in on participants as they wait for 15 minutes after their vaccination, in the event that anyone had an  adverse reaction to the vaccine. 

Dolores, The Day Program’s Physical Therapy Lead, checked in those arriving by bus. After vaccination, they waited their 15 minutes in the large room close by.

Day Program – April Update

With the improvement of the COVID-19 situation in Napa County, Collabria Day Program was able to receive 10 participants per day at our South Jefferson St. location, starting March 23. The staff has been constantly monitoring participants during the shelter-in-place order, and invited those with the most serious need to return first.

For those who have not returned to our facility, we continue to offer classes and activities online, including daily exercise routines, and we are in constant communication with their caregivers.

We look forward to welcoming all of our participants to their Collabria Care home as soon as it is safe to do so.

On behalf of our participants and their caregivers, we would like to thank you for your invaluable support during this difficult time. Your donations have allowed us to create and distribute materials such as activity kits, and offer online programming to keep our beloved participants engaged and active. 

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