Support our Mobile Day Program Today!

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Dear Friends,

      After more than 20 years of service, it broke my heart to suspend the Collabria Care Day Program in-center services last week due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

      Unless we took quick action, 165 vulnerable community members –with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other serious illnesses–and those that care for them, would no longer have the medical support, therapeutic activities, socialization, and respite they needed as they sheltered in place.

And, that’s why I’m writing today.
Our participants and their caregivers need your help.

      Our dedicated team has rapidly adapted our Day Program to care for our participants by taking our Center out into the community. Through our Mobile Day Program, we can continue offering critical support in new and innovative ways.

      Our primary goal is to keep our participants and their caregivers safe, healthy, and out of the hospital–helping protect them and our critical healthcare resources.

      As part of this new approach, our nursing and social work teams are providing phone support to all our participants and their caregivers. In addition, they are offering critical home visits as needed to prevent medical crisis situations.

      Additionally, we are creating and delivering Activity Kits to our participants that include art supplies, jigsaw puzzles, brain workouts, and more. These kits are customized to each participant’s individual therapeutic needs and personal interests. They offer proven tools to keep them engaged and provide relief for their caregivers who now must care for their loved ones full-time.

How You Can Help During This Time

      Please make a heartfelt gift to Collabria Care today! We realize you are receiving many requests for support during this crisis, please know we are deeply appreciative of your generosity.

      Visit our donation page to make your gift now. Your donation will be used immediately to help ensure that our Day Program participants continue to receive the care they so desperately need.

With gratitude and best wishes,

Celine Regalia
Executive Director

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