This Is What a Dementia-Capable
Community Looks Like
In an event co-hosted by Lynne Hobaugh, Board Member, and Liz Alessio, Napa City Council member, Amanda Halte and her mother Judith described the impact of Alzheimer's disease on their lives, and how programs at Providence Community Health have supported and cared for them.
Read about how our services can help!

Our Promise to Our Donors
For more than four decades, we have provided compassionate care and support to those afflicted with a serious illness and their families—right here in Napa County.
While our name and colors may have changed over time, our commitment to the work has only grown and we now touch more lives than ever before.
With this growth has come the need for more funding so that we may continue the privilege of serving those with few financial means and those who desperately need services not covered by insurance.
Our solemn promise to you, our supporters who donate their time, goods, services, or money, is that your gifts will always be used here in our community to aid and support those who need us most.
Our Foundation Board
All gifts made to our organization are overseen by our local Foundation Board ensuring that they are restricted to our program, just as our donors intended when they made their gift.

The Results Are In: The NOAA Report
NOAA paints a picture of a vibrant, caring community committed to a thriving age-friendly Napa County. The data in this report summarizes themes from 1530 survey responses, 21 Key Informant Interviews, and 76 focus group participants.
Used thoughtfully and creatively, this data will inspire an action plan that uproots inequities to promote healthy aging for everyone in Napa County.
Download & Read the Report

Upcoming Classes, Support Groups,
and Workshops
Grief Support
We offer a variety of individual and group support for anyone in the community grieving.
To make an appointment or join a group click here
Living Your Best Life with Hospice
March 7, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
Napa County Public Library
580 Coombs St., Napa, CA 94559
Open to the public. RSVP not required.
Mind Boosters
In-person: 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month
Providence Community Health (Collabria Care), 414 South Jefferson St., Napa.
10:00 am – 2:00 noon
Online: 2nd Thursday of the month
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Classes in Spanish are also available.
Information & Registration: Call Melissa Gerard at 707-815-6258
Monthly Lunch & Learn in Angwin
Fireside Room, Pacific Union College, 10 Angwin Ave., Angwin
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
March 6
The Aging Brain
Presenters: Melissa Gerard & Chloe McCarthy, Providence
April 3
Wealth Enhancement Group
Devin Hanson & Sara Aikman
Professor of Biology, Pacific Union College
To Register and Reserve Your Lunch, call Rianda House at 707-963-8555
Monthly Caregiver Support Groups
For those caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia
Tuesday Support Group - In Person
Providence Community Health, 414 South Jefferson St., Napa
Second Tuesday of the month; 10:30 a.m. - Noon.
Wednesday Support Group - Online
Third Wednesdays of the month, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Thursday Support Group - Online
First and third Thursdays of the month, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Do You Know About PACE?
(Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly)
PACE is an innovative full-service Healthcare and senior services program to keep you healthy and living at home. Watch this short video to find out more, visit our website, or call 707-254-4159 (TTY: 1-800-855-2880) to speak with a member of the PACE team.
Join Us On Social Media

Shopping on Amazon?
You can give gifts of joy, peace, and/or comfort at the same time! Consider adding an item to your cart for our patients and participants from our wish lists.
Day Program Wish List
Hospice Wish List
With Gratitude