Learning to Live with Loss

Learning to Live

Pre-registration required to register, contact:
Janeen Fabulae,
707-258-9080 or


Collabria Care
414 So. Jefferson St.
Napa, CA 94559

Series begins:
Tuesday May 6,

An eight-week, structured grief support group for adults who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Information is provided about the many paths grief can take and a safe environment is provided so that feelings and experiences can be shared.

Weekly Themes:
Week 1: Getting Acquainted with, and understanding Grief
Week 2: Myths of Grief and Self-Care
Week 3: The Reality of Loss
Week 4: Remembering
Week 5: Helping Yourself
Week 6: Factors that Influence Your Grief
Week 7: Changes
Week 8: The Next Steps

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