Got 60 Minutes? Plan Your Estate

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Have you put off creating your will because it seems too overwhelming? It may be easier and less time-consuming than you think. In just a one-hour meeting with an estate planning attorney—along with some preparation—you can be well on your way to having a legally sound will.

First, contact an estate planning attorney. These legal specialists are experts in will planning. They understand how your decisions affect your estate and can guide you toward a path that will best meet your goals.

From Start to Finish

Here’s how you and your attorney will progress from nothing to something in just one hour.

  • What Are Your Goals?

In the beginning, expect to answer a lot of questions regarding your goals for your estate. For example: How do you want to provide for minor children? Do you want to give back to your community?

  • Assets and Liabilities

Discussing your assets and liabilities, as well as how they are titled, will help your attorney determine whether your current situation aligns with your estate goals.

  • Additional Considerations

You’ll discuss guardianship for minor children, an executor for your estate, medical considerations and other important issues.

  • Next Steps

Assuming the meeting goes as planned, at this point your attorney should have a good feel for your estate and be ready to draft your will. Once a draft is complete and agreed upon, you’ll meet again to execute the will.*

*More complex estates or living trusts may require additional meetings and documentation.

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