Fashion Show 2024


Fashion & Fun at Adult Day Health Napa Valley

You can’t imagine the excitement at the Day Program (Adult Day Health) as twenty-six supermodels—all participants in the program—strutted, skipped, or rolled down a red-carpeted runway in our second ever fashion show. Outfits were donated from a number of sources; hair and makeup professionals donated their services, and the cheering from the audience of family members and caregivers never stopped; nor did the tears of absolute joy. Heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the team of organizers at the Day Program, and to everyone who volunteered their time. It was a most memorable event!


Jimmy Duhig, Napa Lighting
Krista Howell, Cosmetologist
Cecilia Rand, Make-up artist
Bonnie Shields - Crader, American Cancer Society
Tony Reynes, Northshore Digital Photography Dreanne Foust, La Boheme
Jennifer Wilken, Act II
Staff and Volunteers of
Providence Community Health Napa Valley

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