Heart to Heart



Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States accounting for more than 25% of every single death in the country.

February is American Heart Month so it's a good time to have a Heart to Heart with the people who matter most to you. Talk about your heart and how you can give it some extra care and attention. Remember that even making minor changes now can lead to many health benefits later! Know the resources available in your community for heart health and care.

Providence Hospice Napa Valley
Cardiac Hospice Program


Care for a loved one with end-stage heart disease or Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) presents a series of challenges for the patient and their caregivers/family members. Patients can experience significant chest pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath and usual therapies may not alleviate their suffering.

Caregivers in the home may not be able to differentiate between symptoms that are severe but temporary, or symptoms that need immediate medical intervention. This can lead to multiple, unnecessary trips to the Emergency Department, increasing stress and discomfort for all concerned.

And unlike other conditions, it is difficult to determine the progression of the disease as symptoms and indicators can vary from patient to patient.

Cardiac Hospice plays a unique and valuable role in the end-of-life care of cardiac patients and their families.

What is Cardiac Hospice?

Cardiac Hospice is professional end-of-life care provided by a Team with specialized training in caring for those with heart disease and congestive heart failure including:

  • Pain management and symptom control
  • Care coordination with the patient’s cardiologist/cardiac team
  • Early intervention to stabilize rapid deterioration or worsening conditions
  • 24/7 access to your RN and/or hospice team
  • Regular or frequent home visits as needed
  • Caregiver training in the use of oxygen and medications
  • Volunteer support
  • Spiritual consultations, if desired
  • Grief support

Cardiac Hospice reduces unnecessary trips to the hospital, and emergency medical intervention by carefully monitoring the patient, and communicating clearly and regularly with their caregivers.

If you or a loved one has questions about Cardiac Hospice, please call us at 707.258.9080 for a free consultation and evaluation. We’re here for you.

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