Donor-Funded Scholarships Make Adult Day Health a Possibility


Caring for those Caught in the Middle

For many of the families we serve, our Adult Day Health program is a crucial part of caring for their loved ones. Our program has many benefits including enabling family caregivers to continue working and helping participants remain in their own homes for as long as possible.

The combination of medical services, therapeutic activities, and social programming that we offer through Adult Day Health is covered by Medi-Cal for those who qualify. Others pay out of pocket or have long-term care insurance policies.

But there are many middle-income families in our community who do not have the resources to pay for Adult Day Health. They fall into the “donut hole” of making too much for government assistance or not having enough to pay for the care they desperately need.

Thanks to individual donors, like you, Community Health Foundation Napa Valley provides scholarships to make Adult Day Health available to those who need it, no matter their financial situation.

“The need is there…we receive applications for scholarships several times a week. There are so many in our community who need to work to support their family and need care for their loved one but can’t afford the extra cost of Adult Day Health.”

Christie Hebditch, Program Director for Providence Adult Day Health Napa Valley

“One of our recent recipients was a gentleman diagnosed with dementia,” Christie explains. “His wife worked, meaning she couldn’t care for him 24/7, and they live on a limited fixed income. Their adult son came home to help, but his father’s condition worsened, leaving him more confused and irritable, and the entire family was struggling.

“A scholarship allowed this man to be able to attend our program, and it has benefited the entire family. With therapy and activities, he’s more engaged and less angry. His wife has taken advantage of our caregiver support and education to gain skills for caring for someone with dementia, and is able to work, knowing her husband is well cared for. And their son was able to return home now that his parents have regained some balance in their life again.”



We are deeply grateful to supporters like you
for helping ensure that no family falls through the cracks when caring for
loved ones with dementia and other serious illnesses. Thank You!
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