Social Worker, Tiffanie Walker, Answers 10 Questions!


10 Questions: A Collabria Care Social Worker Aims to Solve Seniors’ Problems

By Jennifer Huffman, Napa Valley Register

“I am a problem solver,” said Tiffanie Walker, the information & assistance program manager at Collabria Care.The program provides adults over age 60 with information and resources needed to maintain and keep their independence and quality of life. This includes housing support, caregiving resources, transportation services and information regarding food access.

“Whatever your problem, I’m here to help,” said Walker.

1. What was your childhood ambition?
To become a hematologist.

2. What job would you like to try/not try?
Try: Motivational speaker.
Not try: Middle school teacher.

3. What was your first job?
Party staff (at the) Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield.

4. How did you get into the social work field?
My grandmother was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. At the time, I was living across the country, which meant I had to manage her care over the phone. It was very difficult to find and coordinate the resources and services she needed.
I was finally able to get a social worker assigned to her. That social worker commended me on my work and told me I should go to school to become a social worker, so I did.

5. Why did you choose to work with seniors?
I love seniors. They have a lot of wisdom to offer. The have a full life to share. They teach me how to slow down and be appreciative of life.

6. What’s a common misconception about Collabria Care?
They think we are only limited to hospice service, but we do so much more.

7. What is the biggest challenge your industry has faced?
I would say increasing competition and trying to fill in the gaps of care such as trying to find senior housing (and) provide resources to seniors who do not qualify for some of the community resources.

8. What is one thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime that you haven’t yet?
I want to visit Africa and go on a safari.

9. If you could change one thing about the social work industry, what would it be?
To remove all of the barriers seniors face to receive assistance and ensure they all get the care they need.

10. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
On the warm beach in Curacao.

Find out more about the Information & Assistance program for seniors at
or call Tiffanie at 707.253.4248

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