Information & Assistance (I&A) is a service for seniors provided by Collabria Care in association with Napa County. The goal of I&A is to be the main access point for services and support necessary for seniors age 60 and above, so they can maintain their long-term independence. This includes providing housing support, caregiving resources, transportation services, options for transportation services, and information regarding food access.
I&A also manages a registry of vetted caregivers in Napa County. Caregivers are recruited and listed after careful screening. In order for caregivers to be included and receive a permit, a comprehensive application with supporting documentation are required. Once everything is complete I&A will match caregivers appropriately with seniors in the community who are in need of service.
Managing the I&A program is a medical social worker Tiffanie Walker, who previously worked with seniors and their families at the Collabria Day Program. Tiffanie encourages seniors to call about any serious challenges or questions they may have. She then assesses their needs and connects them to local services or provides referrals to programs in other communities. When necessary, Tiffanie will make a home visit to evaluate the needs of a senior and their family.
The types of services required and their urgency, can vary a lot. Last summer during a heat wave, Tiffanie was instrumental in restoring electrical power to a frail elderly couple after their family’s efforts failed; she found transportation options for an elderly woman who had difficulty attending her medical appointments; and she identified elder abuse in a situation with a senior who suffered from cognitive issues and coordinated services with Adult Protective Services. Tiffanie has also been helpful to the UpValley Village by providing member assessments and referrals.
“I am a problem solver” says Tiffanie, “Whatever your problem, I’m here to help.”
 If you are aged 60 or above, or if you have a question about your senior neighbor or family member, you can contact Tiffanie at 707.253.4248.