
Light Up a Life 2018-19

Let Your Star Shine Brightly!

Recognize someone special in our annual Light Up a Life holiday display.

Each year, we create a star-filled display called Light Up a Life to honor friends and loved ones who have made a difference in our lives.

We invite you to make a gift to Light Up a Life, and to name a star (or stars) for this display. We will then create this installation with silver “in honor of” stars and gold “in memory of” stars, each with an honoree’s name on it, which will be on public display at V Marketplace in Yountville from November 16 through January 1.

You will receive a donation envelope in the mail later this month.


Save the Date: Collabria Care Classic 2019

Our 14th Annual Golf Tournament will take place on May 17th.


Save the Date: 13th Annual Gala 2019

Our elegant gala is scheduled for September 6th.

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