Comprehensive personalized care, simplified
What is PACE?

The PACE (Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) model of care is based on the on the belief that it is better for the well-being of older adults with chronic care needs, and their families, to be cared for in their community whenever possible.
PACE delivers comprehensive medical and social services to older adults through personalized plans of care, created by an Interdisciplinary CareTeam, that address all preventative, primary, acute and long-term care service needs. This enables each participant to remain independent in their home for as long as possible.
The focus is on you, the participant.
Why is PACE a great option for older adults?
Our goal is to help you stay as healthy and independent as possible. Your Interdisciplinary Care Team is experienced in caring for older adults and will create a healthcare plan that is personalized to meet your needs.
We’re also here to assist you in scheduling appointments, filling out paperwork, and will provide transportation to all medical appointments if you need it.
We closely monitor your health--lowering your chance of experiencing a health crisis and leading to better overall health.
I would like to be contacted by a member of our PACE team. I have checked the Service Area Map and the prospective patient lives in the Providence PACE service area.
Benefits Include:

Medical Care
- Primary and Specialty Medical Care
- Â Dentistry, Podiatry, and Optometry
- Prescription Medications
- Outpatient Labs and X-rays
- Emergency and Urgent Care
- Long-term Care
- Dietary Support

In-Home Assistance
- Personal Care such as Bathing/Grooming
- Light Housekeeping
- Help with Grocery Shopping

Ongoing Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Durable Medical Equipment

- To and from our Providence PACE clinic
- To and from Medical Appointments

Social work
- Ongoing supporting case management

Day Center
- Recreational and Social Therapy including art, exercise, music, and lunch.
Services are provided by an individualized care plan and approved by your Interdisciplinary Care Team